Timothy Shalloway Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Timothy Shalloway

Timothy Shalloway is a name that has been making waves in Hollywood recently. The 29-year-old American actor has captured hearts with his impressive acting skills and charming personality. From his breakout role in Call Me By Your Name to his recent appearance in Dune, Timothy has proven himself to be a rising star in the entertainment industry.

But aside from his talent, many are also curious about Timothy Shalloway’s net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki. In this post, we will dive into these details and get to know more about this talented actor.

Who is Timothy Shalloway?

Timothy Shalloway is a famous actor from America. He acts in movies, and many people like him a lot because he’s really good at pretending to be other people. Timothy was born on December 27, 1995, which makes him 29 years old.

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He was born in a big city called New York. Imagine a place with lots of tall buildings and busy streets; that’s where he’s from! Timothy has a family who loves him very much. He has a mom and a dad, and he also has a sister. His dad works with UNICEF, His networth is round about $ 3 million us dollers. which helps children around the world, and his mom is a real estate agent, which means she helps people find houses. His weight is about 63 kg.

Timothy also went to a big school called Columbia University. He has lots of fans who follow him on Instagram and Twitter, and he shares pictures and stories there. People really enjoy watching his movies because he brings stories to life in a way that feels real and magical at the same time. His height is about 5 feet and 8 inhces.

Bio wiki/

Date of birth December 27, 1995.
Net worth $ 3 million
Gender Male
Height 5 feet 8 inches
Weight 63 kg
Status unmarried
Age 29 years as of 2024

Real Name and Ethnicity

Timothy Shalloway’s real name is actually Timothy Hal Chalamet, but lots of people just call him Timothy. He has a special mix of backgrounds from different parts of the world, which makes him unique. Timothy’s family is like a beautiful puzzle with pieces from America, France, Russia, and Australia.

Imagine having grandparents and great-grandparents from all those cool places! This mix is why Timothy is so special. It’s like he carries a little bit of each country inside him, making him a citizen of the world.

His dad is from America and France, and his mom has roots in Russia and Australia, but also grew up in America. So, if Timothy was a superhero, his power would be bringing the world together, just by being himself.

Timothy Shalloway Early Life and Education

Timothy Shalloway was a little boy who loved stories and playing pretend, growing up in the big, busy city of New York. When he was your age, he probably went to school just like you, learning to read, write, and maybe even act in school plays! Timothy liked school so much that he decided to keep learning even when he was older.

He went to a really big school called Columbia University when he grew up. Columbia University is a place where lots of grown-ups go to learn more about the things they love. Timothy loved acting, so he probably learned a lot about how to be an even better actor there. Imagine going to a school where you get to learn more about your favorite thing every day! That’s what Timothy did, and it helped him become the great actor he is now.

Parents and Siblings

Timothy Shalloway has a really cool family. His dad’s name is Marc, and he works at a big place called UNICEF, where he helps kids from all over the world. His mom, Nicole, h Timothy also has a sister named Pauline. She acts in movies, just like her brother!

They must have a lot of fun talking about acting and movies at home. Imagine having a family where everyone is so creative and helps make the world a better place. That’s the kind of family Timothy has!

Timothy Shalloway Girlfriend/ Wife

Timothy Shalloway is not married, but he has a special friend named Lily-Rose Depp. Lily-Rose is also famous like Timothy because she acts in movies and is very good at it. Just like in fairy tales, when a prince meets a princess, Timothy and Lily-Rose met and liked each other a lot. They have been seen going to fun places together, like going to see movies or walking in the park, just like friends do.

It’s like they’re partners in a big adventure, exploring the world of movies and fame together. Imagine having a friend who likes doing the same things you do; that’s how Timothy and Lily-Rose are. They both enjoy acting and being in the spotlight, sharing smiles and creating happy memories together.

The Physical Appeal: Height, Weight, and Figure

Timothy Shalloway is not just talented; he also has a look that many people find very nice! He stands tall like a basketball player, but not too tall – just 5 feet 8 inches high. That’s like stacking about nine and a half big ruler sticks on top of each other!

Timothy also weighs about as much as 68 little bags of sugar, but instead of sugar, it’s all him! He takes good care of himself, so he looks just right, healthy, and happy. Timothy’s eyes are a beautiful brown, kind of like the color of yummy chocolate. And his hair is as black as the night sky without any stars. HIs weight is about 63 kg.

Imagine having hair that cool! Timothy’s look helps him become any character he wants in movies, from a prince to a superhero, making him not just a great actor but someone who looks the part, too. He’s like a chameleon, changing into whatever his movies need him to be, and that’s pretty awesome!

Timothy Shalloway Before Fame

Before Timothy Shalloway became a big movie star, he was just like any kid who loved to play and dream. He grew up in a city full of bright lights and tall buildings, where every street could tell a story. Even when he was little, Timothy loved to pretend he was different characters, from brave knights to adventurous explorers. He didn’t start off as a star; he worked hard to learn how to become a great actor.

Timothy was in some short films, kind of like the little stories you watch but much shorter than a regular movie. These small roles were his first steps into acting. Imagine playing dress-up and make-believe, but for Timothy, it was the beginning of his journey to becoming the actor many people love today. He showed that with imagination and hard work, dreams could come true, just like in the stories.


Timothy Shalloway started acting when he was a little older than you! He played in short movies first, which are like the short stories you read but on screen. Then, he got a big chance to be in a movie called Call Me By Your Name, where he pretended to be Elio, a young boy on a summer adventure. People loved him in that movie, and he became very famous. After that,

Timothy acted in more movies like a big space adventure called Dune and a story about two friends called Lady Bird. Every time he acts, he pretends to be someone else, showing us their adventures and feelings. It’s like playing dress-up but in big, exciting stories that lots of people watch.

Net Worth

Timothy Shalloway is like a treasure hunter, but instead of looking for gold and jewels, he’s been collecting something called “net worth” from acting in movies. Imagine a piggy bank, but much, much bigger. Every time Timothy acts in a movie, it’s like he gets more coins to put into his giant piggy bank

. Now, his piggy bank is really full because he’s been in a lot of movies and lots of people have watched them. People say that his piggy bank, or “net worth,” has about $3 million in it. That’s like if you saved up all your allowance and birthday money for a really, really long time. So, Timothy has done a great job saving up his movie money in his big piggy bank!

Timothy Shalloway Famous Reason

Timothy Shalloway became super famous because he was in a beautiful movie called Call Me By Your Name. In the movie, he played Elio, a young boy who experiences an unforgettable summer filled with adventure, love, and heartache. People watched him in this movie and saw how amazing he can act, showing all kinds of feelings like happiness, sadness, and everything in between.

This made lots of people, from kids to grown-ups, really like him. It’s like when you do something really well, and everyone says, “Wow, you’re awesome at that!” That’s how Timothy became a star that lots of people admire and talk about.

Nationality and Religion

Timothy Shalloway is like a puzzle piece that fits perfectly in the United States because he was born in New York, making him an American! Imagine having a passport with your picture that lets you travel places; Timothy has one for America.

Now, about what he believes in his heart, like whether he thinks about God or how the world works, that’s something very personal, and Timothy keeps it private, just like a secret diary. So, we talk about where he’s from, but what he believes, like many people, is something he holds close, just for him.

Timothy Shalloway Legacy and Impact

Timothy Shalloway is like a superhero in the movie world. He’s shown us that with big dreams and hard work, anyone can become a star. By being in movies, Timothy helps us see and feel stories as if we’re right there with him. He’s like a magic storyteller, using his acting to spread joy, laughter, and sometimes even tears.

People of all ages, from kids to grandparents, admire him. Timothy teaches us to follow our dreams and be kind, making him a role model. Just like a superhero leaves a mark by saving the day, Timothy leaves a mark by making our days brighter with his movies.

Future Plains

Timothy Shalloway has big dreams for the future, just like when you think about what you want to be when you grow up. He wants to act in even more movies, playing all sorts of characters, from heroes saving the day to explorers discovering new worlds. Imagine playing pretend and dress-up but as your job!

Timothy might also want to help make movies, not just act in them. And who knows? Maybe he’ll travel to new places, meet more friends, and share even more stories with us. Just like when you imagine your adventures, Timothy’s future is full of exciting possibilities!


  • Timothy loves to play the piano. Just like you might enjoy playing with toy instruments, he enjoys making music on a big piano.
  • He also likes to play sports, especially soccer. Imagine running around and kicking a ball with your friends; that’s what he does for fun!
  • Drawing and painting are some of Timothy’s favorite things to do when he’s not acting. It’s like when you use crayons and markers to create pictures, Timothy does that too but with paint and pencils.
  • Reading books is another hobby of his. Think of diving into stories about dragons, heroes, and faraway lands; Timothy loves getting lost in books just like that.
  • Finally, Timothy enjoys traveling. Picture going on adventures to new places, seeing different things, and meeting new people – he loves exploring the world!

Interesting Facts AboutTimothy Shalloway

  • Timothy started acting when he was just a kid, in small movies.
  • He has a big love for playing the piano, making beautiful music.
  • Soccer is one of his favorite sports to play with friends.
  • Timothy enjoys drawing and painting, creating colorful artwork.
  • He loves reading books, diving into exciting stories and adventures.
  • Traveling is a big hobby; he explores new places around the world.
  • Timothy and his sister Pauline both love acting in movies.


How old is Timothy?

Timothy is 29 years old.

Does Timothy have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, he has a sister named Pauline.

What movies has Timothy been in?

He was in “Call Me By Your Name” and “Dune.”

Is Timothy in school?

He went to Columbia University.

Who is Timothy’s girlfriend?

His special friend is Lily-Rose Depp.

What does Timothy like to do for fun?

He likes playing piano, soccer, drawing, reading, and traveling.

How tall is Timothy?

He is 5 feet 8 inches tall.


In this fun journey, we learned lots about Timothy Shalloway, a wonderful actor who plays make-believe for his job and loves adventures, just like in storybooks. From acting in movies to playing the piano, and even playing soccer with friends, Timothy shows us that following our dreams is super important.

He teaches us to be kind, work hard, and enjoy the little things, like reading books or traveling to new places. Remember, everyone, you can be anything you want when you grow up, just like Timothy did. Keep dreaming, keep smiling, and who knows, maybe you’ll be a star too!


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