Mayme Hatcher Johnson Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson

Mayme Hatcher Johnson was a remarkable woman who left a lasting impact on the world. She was born in North Carolina in 1914. She moved to Harlem in 1938 and became a successful waitress at a club owned by Ethel Waters. In 1948,

she married infamous gangster Ellsworth “Bumpy” Johnson. Together, they made their mark on the Harlem underworld. After her husband died in 1968, Mrs. Johnson moved to Philadelphia. She wrote her memoir, Harlem Godfather: The Rap on My Husband. She was died in may 2009 at the age of 95.

Who is Mayme Hatcher Johnson?

Mayme Hatcher Johnson was a lady with an interesting story. She was born a long time ago, in 1914, which is more than a hundred years ago! Mayme grew up in a place called North Carolina, but she didn’t stay there. When she was a bit older, she moved to a big, busy city called New York City.

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There, she worked in a club, helping people by serving them food and drinks. Mayme’s life got even more interesting when she met a man named Ellsworth Johnson. But, everyone called him “Bumpy.” They fell in love and got married in 1948.

Bumpy was famous because he was part of some movies; stories. After Bumpy passed away, Mayme did something very brave. She wrote a book about her life with Bumpy, sharing their stories with the world. Then, she moved to another city called Philadelphia. Mayme was a strong and brave woman, and she left behind stories that people still talk about today.

Bio wiki/

Date of birth 1914
Net worth $ 1 million
Gender Female
Height 5 feet and 6 inches
Weight 60 kg
Status Died
Age 95 (died in 2009)

Real name and ethnicity.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson was her full name, like you’ve got a name that your family calls you. Mayme was born a long time ago, and she was a very special lady. Her story starts in a place called North Carolina, which is a part of the United States. People come from all kinds of places and have different backgrounds, like Mayme did.

She was African American, which means her family’s roots were in Africa, but she was born in America. You might have friends from different places. Mayme’s story reminds us how unique and special everyone’s background is. Her name and where she came from are important parts of who she was and the amazing story she had to share.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson Early Life and Education

Mayme Hatcher Johnson was once a little girl like any other. She was born in a place called North Carolina, which has lots of trees and open skies. As a child, she played outside, ran with her friends, and enjoyed the simple things.

When it came to school, Mayme would have gone to a nearby school. There, she’d learn to read and write, and about numbers and all the exciting things in the world around her. Schools back then were a bit different from today.

But, teachers were still kind and wanted to help kids learn and grow. Mayme’s education helped her become the smart and brave woman she was, ready to move to a big city and start a new life.

Parents and siblings.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson grew up in a family that loved her very much. She was born in North Carolina. She lived there with her parents. It’s possible she had brothers and sisters to play with. We don’t know their names or how many she had. But, in families, siblings often have fun together. They share secrets and help each other. Mayme might have had siblings.

They could play games with her, like you might have a brother or sister. Her parents, like most parents, would have taken care of her. They would have made sure she was safe, happy, and learning new things every day. Growing up in her family, Mayme learned to be strong and brave, ready for her big adventures in New York City later on.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson Boyfriend/ Husband

Mayme met a very special man named Ellsworth Johnson, but everyone called him “Bumpy.” Because he had a little bump on his head. They’ve fallen in love, which means they liked each other a lot and decided they wanted to be together always. So, in 1948, Mayme and Bumpy got married.

That means they had a big celebration with friends and family, and they promised to take care of each other. Bumpy was part of some exciting movie stories, which made him quite famous. Mayme and Bumpy shared many adventures.

They were like the stories about princes and princesses. They were a team, facing everything side by side until Bumpy passed away. But Mayme remembered all their adventures. She even wrote a book about them to share their story with the world.

The physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson lived a long time ago. So, we don’t know exactly how tall she was, her weight, or what she looked like from today’s pictures. But, imagine a person who carried herself with grace. She was like a queen from your favorite storybook. Her weight is 60 kg,

In those days, people didn’t always talk about how someone looked using numbers. Instead, they would see the beauty in someone’s smile, the kindness in their eyes, and how they treated others. Mayme is kind, smart, and brave. Her height is 5 feet and 6 inches.

These traits make anyone shine and earned her a reputation for them. It’s like when you draw a picture of your friend. You think about what makes them special. Their bright smile or the funny way they wear their hat. That’s how people remembered Mayme, for the beautiful person she was, both inside and out.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson Before Fame

Before Mayme became famous and before she wrote her book, she was like any other person. She grew up in a place filled with trees and wide-open skies, where she could run and play. Imagine playing hide and seek with your friends or chasing after fireflies as the sun goes down.

That was Mayme’s life too, full of simple joys and everyday adventures. She went to school, like you. She learned many interesting things. They helped her grow smart and strong. Before she moved to New York City, she was a girl with big dreams.

She looked up at the stars and wondered about the world beyond her hometown. It’s fun to think about, isn’t it? That before all the stories and adventures with Bumpy, Mayme was a lot like us, dreaming of what was to come.


Mayme Hatcher Johnson had an interesting job before she became famous for writing a book. In New York City, she worked as a waitress. She helped people at their tables when they came to eat at a club owned by a singer named Ethel Waters.

Imagine when you go to a restaurant and someone brings you your food. That was Mayme’s job! She met lots of different people and learned how to be good at her job. Later, when her husband, Bumpy, passed away, she decided to tell their story by writing a book.

This book made many people know about her and the adventures she had. Mayme’s career started by helping people in a club. Then, she became a writer to share her amazing story.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson Net Worth

Guessing Mayme Hatcher Johnson’s net worth is like guessing the candies in a jar. You can’t see inside. Mayme was famous a long time ago. She was better known for her stories and the book she wrote. So, it’s hard to say exactly how much money she had. Net worth is a way to say how much money and things someone has, like toys, but for grown-ups.

Mayme didn’t write her book to get rich. She wanted to share her and Bumpy’s adventures with everyone. You don’t know the dollars in her piggy bank. But, Mayme was rich in stories and love. They came from the people who read her book and remember her.

Famous Reason

Mayme Hatcher Johnson became famous because she shared her life story with the world in a book. Bumpy, a man known in many movie stories as a big deal in Harlem, married her. People were curious about Bumpy and wanted to know more about him. Mayme told everyone about their adventures together in her book, “Harlem Godfather.”

This book made lots of people know who she was. She wrote about their love, the challenges they faced, and the happy times they had together. Sharing her story made her a famous writer. It also made her an important person in telling Harlem’s history.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson Nationality and religion.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson was born in North Carolina. It is in a big country called the United States. That means she was American, like people you might know from your school or neighborhood. Everyone comes from different places, and that’s what makes each person special. As for religion, it’s about what people believe.

It’s also about how to be good to each other. Mayme might have had her own beliefs. They were important to her, like you have things you believe in. Or, ways you learn to be kind and caring to people around you.

Legacy and Impact

Mayme Hatcher Johnson shared her special story with the world in a book. Her story helps us remember important things about Harlem. It tells us about the people who lived there. She showed us that being brave and telling our stories can make a big difference. Because of Mayme, more people understand what life was like back then.

She helps us see the good in sharing and caring about each other’s stories. It’s like when you share your favorite book with a friend, Mayme shared her story with everyone. She made the world better by helping us learn from each other.

Mayme Hatcher Johnson Future Plains

Since Mayme Hatcher Johnson passed away in 2009, she doesn’t have any future plans like you and me. But the stories and the book she left behind are like seeds she planted in a big garden. These seeds are growing into trees that keep telling her story to new people every day.

Mayme’s stories are like planting a flower and watching it grow. They bloom in the hearts of those who read her book. This way, she keeps sharing her adventures and lessons with the world. She does this even though she can’t make any new plans.


  • Mayme Hatcher Johnson loved to tell stories and share her memories with others.
  • Like when you draw or play with your toys, Mayme found joy in writing.
  • She used words to paint pictures of her life and the adventures she had.
  • She also liked music.
  • It filled her home with lovely sounds. It was like how your favorite songs make you happy.
  • Reading was another hobby of hers.
  • She dove into books as if going on a treasure hunt.
  • She found new stories and learned new things.
  • These hobbies helped Mayme to capture the beauty of the world around her.
  • It’s like creating something special out of playdough.

Interesting Facts About Mayme Hatcher Johnson

  • Mayme Hatcher Johnson once had a pet that she loved very much, like you might have a dog or a cat.
  • She was good at cooking, making delicious meals that made everyone’s mouth water.
  • Mayme also had a favorite color, which was it’s blue, like the sky on a sunny day.
  • She loved to dance, moving to music in her living room, pretending she was at a big fancy ball.
  • Sometimes, Mayme would spend her afternoons planting flowers.
  • She made her garden look like a rainbow.
  • She also liked to write letters to her friends.
  • She told them stories and made them smile, even if they were far away.


Do you wonder if Mayme Hatcher Johnson had a favorite story to tell?

She’s sure did! Mayme loved sharing about her adventures with Bumpy. People also ask,

Did Mayme like to write when she was little like me?

It seems she always enjoyed stories, and when she grew up, she wrote a whole book! Another fun question is,

What did Mayme like to do for fun?

Mayme enjoyed writing. She also liked dancing to music and making her garden beautiful. And, if you’re curious, she liked to make yummy food and had a pet she cared for a lot.


Mayme Hatcher Johnson’s life was like a big, lovely book. Stories of love, adventure, and bravery filled it. She moved from a small town to a big city, fell in love, and shared her journey through her writings. Mayme teaches us that everyone has a story. It’s important to remember and share those stories with others.

Even though she is no longer here, her words and memories continue to inspire and teach us. Mayme’s story shows us that with courage and love, we can make a lasting impact on the world. Mayme’s story will shine, like the stars in the night sky. It will guide and inspire us.


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